Worksplate THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC Co. LTD. VULCAN WORKS, NEWTON-LE-WILLOWS, ENGLAND No. 3532/D961. 1965. Ex British Railways Class 37 diesel originally numbered D6972 becoming 37272 Mar 1974 and 37431 Apr 1986. Allocated new to 86A Cardiff Canton Mar 1965. Named Sir Powys/County of Powys from Jun 1987 until Apr 1991 and Bullidae from May 1991 until Apr 1993. Withdrawn from WQ Dec 1999 and moved to Springs Branch, Wigan CRDC and scrapped there Aug 2000. Rectangular chromed brass in as removed condition, measures 10.125in x 4.5in.
Worksplates Diesel
Auction: July 2024, Lot: 27
Sold for: GBP£850
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