GWR Enamel Lamp Tablet MARAZION. A truly incredible survivor from this little station, one stop out of Penzance at one of the top 10 bays in the entire world overlooking St. Michaels Mount. Opened 11th March 1852 by the West Cornwall Railway. Absorbed fully into the GWR on 1 January 1877 and closed to passengers 5 Oct 1964, with freight services following on 6 Dec 1965.The strange name derives from the important fairs and markets that were held in the town, the earliest dating back to 1070. The names of the two biggest markets - Marghas Byghan (Small Market) and Marghas Yow or Jew (Thursday Market) blurred over time to become 'Marazion'. The black and white lamp tablet measures approximately 17
Auction: May 2007, Lot: 150
Sold for: GBP£260